Now Available In Bocada 21.2.8

The Bocada Team | August 10, 2021

The following features and enhancements are now available with the release of Bocada 21.2.8. This version is a Minor Release and will be supported in accordance with the Support Terms.

New Features

Redstor Monitoring & Reporting
Added support for Redstor backup monitoring, including backup job activity reporting as well as backup-restore failure alerting. Additionally, automated tenant discovery to identify all MSP tenants supported by Redstor.

Consecutive Failures Client Analysis
Enabled display of all targets for each client. This includes displaying lines for trend history of both successful and failed targets.


Custom SQL Reporting Anchored on Backup Day
Allow customers to create custom reports based on the backup day rather than the midnight following a backup.

Server Property Configuration
Improved data collection configuration for storage & backup reporting on the following backup products: NetBackup, NetApp, Networker, Data Protector.

Commvault Error Code Mapping
Improved categorization and identification of Commvault error codes by mapping codes in Bocada to what is reported in the Commvault UI console.

Rubrik REST API Update
Upgraded Rubrik plugin to be compatible with version 5.2.x.

Added support for NetBackup 9.1, featuring improved storage collection reporting.